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产品: 浏览次数:62进口电动螺纹陶瓷球阀 
品牌: 美国RETZ阀门
品牌: RETZ
产地: 美国
包装: 木箱
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 1 台
供货总量: 1000 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 15 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-06-18 11:32

品牌:RETZ/我们一直致力于流体控制和测控领域的持续创新,始于2005……进口电动螺纹陶瓷球阀基本参数 Basic parameters

规格尺寸Specification and size:G1/2~2"

阀体材质Body material:316L不锈钢(耐酸碱),316L stainless steel (acid and alkali resistant)

结构Structure:缩径,浮动球直通(硬密封球阀)Reduced bore, floating ball straight-through (hard seal ball valve)

工作温度Working temperature:0-120°C,选择(三元乙丙橡胶:EPDM),0-200°C,选择(氟橡胶密封:FKM)

阀杆材料Stem material:默认316L,可选(哈式合金钢或哈式)

陶瓷球芯,耐磨、耐腐蚀、密封性优良、使用寿命长(10万次以上)Ceramic ball core, wear-resistant, corrosion resistant, excellent sealing performance, long service life (more than 100000 times)

输入电压:直流DC6V/12V/24V,交流AC220V Input voltage: DC 6V/12V/24V, AC 220V

全开→全闭时间:12.5秒和3秒(DN25及以下),7.5秒(DN25以上)“断电复位”功能;带开关位置反馈功能 Full open → full close time: 12.5 seconds and 3 seconds (DN25 and below), 7.5 seconds (DN25 and above) "power off reset" function; With switch position feedback function

功能:二线、三线电源控制 Function: two-wire and three-wire power control

适用流体:水、空气、油类、酸碱腐蚀性介质和化工低粘度流体。(防水IP等级:IP65)Applicable fluid: water, air, oil, acid-base corrosive medium and chemical low-viscosity fluid. (Waterproof IP grade: IP65)

进口电动螺纹陶瓷球阀产品结构 Product mix

① 直流/交流减速电机(DC6-24V/AC220V)

② 316L阀杆(根据不同酸碱可选哈式合金钢B或C)

③ 不锈钢316阀体

④ 陶瓷球芯(刚玉陶瓷氧化铝)

⑤ PPS耐腐蚀密封片

⑥ 瓷密封片

⑦ 开关指示灯

进口电动螺纹陶瓷球阀性能特点 Performance characteristics


Sealing performance: the ball core and valve seat are lapped in pairs, with high fit and excellent sealing. Because the ball valve has the function of scraper when it is opened and closed, it is not easy to get stuck and leak


Wear resistance and corrosion resistance: the ball core and valve seat are made of high hardness and high performance alumina ceramics, with excellent wear resistance and corrosion resistance. The ball core and valve seat are not easy to lead to seal failure due to wear and corrosion, and the seal life is more than 100000 times

3.启闭扭矩:①球芯和阀座配对研磨,贴合度极高,需很小作用力就可以达到密封要求;② 球芯和密封座结构及减背压技术. 上述两点直接的结果是球阀的启闭扭矩远远小于传统球阀,仅为传统球阀的1/4.

①The ball core and valve seat are lapped in pairs, and the fit degree is very high, and the sealing requirements can be met with a small force; ②  Ball core and seal seat structure and back pressure reduction technology The direct result of the above two points is that the opening and closing torque of the ball valve is far less than that of the traditional ball valve, which is only 1/4 of that of the traditional ball valve


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